The Global Restore Project (GRP) & The Global Arid Zone Project (GAZP)
The Global Restore Project is a collaboration of restoration researchers using the power of data to deliver better outcomes for restoration ecology.
The recently declared ‘Decade on Ecological Restoration’ by the United Nations represents a timely opportunity to develop a strong and integrative path forward for ecological restoration.

The Global Restore Project (GRP) aims to bring together restoration researchers globally to pool existing data and knowledge for a deeper understanding of restoration science. This took shape when Emma Ladouceur, Postdoc in the Biodiversity Synthesis & Physiological Diversity groups was planning a restoration synthesis, and met Nancy Shackelford when she was working with Katherine Suding at University of Colorado Boulder as a Postdoc.

Nancy was finishing up her first work with what she called the Global Arid Zone Project (GAZP), looking at seed-based restoration outcomes in global drylands. We decided to become collaborators. Emma proposed to focus on the rest of the global preciptation gradient, and projects which monitored full vegetation community outcomes. We’ve been working together ever since to bring all these data together.
Now Nancy is an Assistant Professor, head of the Restoration Futures Lab, and Director of the Restoration of Natural Systems at University of Victoria on beautiful Vancouver Island, Canada. Emma continues to work on this with the Biodiversity Synthesis group at iDiv.