About Us

This is a new website, please bear with us while we get it up and running! For now we’ve tried to put the essential information here. :)

The Global Restore Project is a database of ecological restoration projects around the world. Our vision for this project is long-term. We are focused on collecting terrestrial species-level community vegetation monitoring data right now. In other words, we are interested in studies where folks monitored all the species that occured in their monitoring samples. We are gathering, and harmonising these data, and we plan to make them open-acess as soon as we are able. Thes data can come from sites that;

  • Have some kind of ongoing disturbance (e.g., overgrazing);
  • Have experienced a disturbance in the past that has now ended (e.g., agriculture, mining);
  • Have had an active restoration treatment after disturbance such as seeding or planting;
  • Are an undisturbed reference habitat

Core Team

Emma Ladouceur, Nancy Shackelford, Jonathan Chase
Jack Boyce, Diana Bertuol Garcia, Gustavo Paterno
Stan Harpole, Sybryn Maes, Holly Jones
Lars Brudvig

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