Knowledge Sharing for Shared Success

In our recent publication, we highlight how knowledge sharing can lead to increased and shared success in the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030). We call for increased effort to collate species-level, fine-scale, ecological community data from restoration studies across a wide range of environmental and ecological gradients. These data could be made openly available to the restoration community to maximize evidence-based knowledge sharing and support predictive capacity in ecological community responses to restoration actions.
Check out this cool video about it made by Magda Garbowski & Emma :
Knowledge sharing for shared success in the decade on ecosystem restoration
— Emma Ladouceur (@re_sprout) January 4, 2022
Now open access in new @BritishEcolSoc Journal, Ecological Solutions and Evidence @AER_ESE_BES here: #Restoration
Some blogs featuring this work:
The Decade on Ecosystem Restoration: How can we succeed as restoration scientists through knowledge sharing? Leuphana University Social Ecological Systems (SES) Blog. By Anna Gniwotta
Knowledge sharing for shared success in the decade on ecosystem restoration The Applied Ecologist By Emma Ladouceur & Pia Bradler
See original paper:
- Emma Ladouceur, Nancy Shackelford, Karma Bouazza, Lars Brudvig, Anna Bucharova, Timo Conradi, Todd E. Erickson, Magda Garbowski, Kelly Garvy, W. Stanley Harpole, Holly P. Jones, Tiffany Knight, Mlungele M. Nsikani, Gustavo Paterno, Katharine Suding, Vicky M. Temperton, Péter Török, Daniel E. Winkler, Jonathan M. Chase 2022 Knowledge sharing for shared success in the decade on ecosystem restoration Ecological Solutions and Evidence